WorkPi helps people measure and identify their skill gaps by seamlessly integrating with e-learning-, assessment- or human resource (HR) platforms.
WorkPi analyses skills, characteristics and preferences of employees from every sector while storing this personal data in self-sovereign identity (SSI) wallets. Hereby, WorkPi will create the largest skill database in the world to provide people with personalised job education suggestions. We call it the ‘Internet of Skills’.
The project will build a unique aggregator tool that can normalise and analyse assessments, learning- and other HR tools to optimise their data model. They are aiming to build worlds largest skill & performance database to be able to measure and match people with their ‘dream jobs’, cutting down on employee turnover and mismatch hirings in various industries.
SSI forms a cornerstone of their product, as data should be owned by the rightful owner.
Employees can now, through WorkPi, own their career related data wherever they work. Through a in-house developed method, called compute-to-SSI, they have enabled themselves to be able to learn from this private data.
By doing so, they have opened up new opportunities to be a core driver in the HR-tech market.
Country: The Netherlands
Further information: https://www.workpi.com/
Team: WorkPi B.V.
GitLab: https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/business_2/workpi/workpi-ssi_project_summary