A DLT/blockchain independent platform to Issue and Verify certified attributes and claims, under different formats, and for any SSI system

With the introduction of notified eID schemas, thanks to eIDAS regulation, Europe made a big step forward in the identity management interoperability field. Yet these systems rely on centralized standard models and protocols (SAML being the most spread).

The enrichment of identity attribute with other types of attestations and claims, as of today, remains an unfulfilled promise: Federated Identity Model, upon which the whole eID system is based, isn’t enough agile to let new player come in and provide certified attributes services.

Italy is one of the main exemplifications: tough systems like SPID and CIE are gradually taking over the eID scenario, Attribute authorities, which should have provided attributes and claims about identities are, as of today, completely absent.

With the advent of SSI we have an extraordinary opportunity to deploy new technology standards to enrich eID: verifiable credential. Yet, we need to perfectly fit the regulatory trust model while still being compliant to eIDAS schemes.

But still SSI is a very complicated subject, both from the theoretical and technical point of view, mainly because it requires a deep understanding of blockchain and cryptography concepts.
Further on, each SSI project tends to propose its own solution as a closed platform, with no particular attention to interoperability and blockchain-independent solution approach.

Country: Italy
Further information: https://www.nymlab.it/
Team: NYM S.r.l.

GitLab: https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure/nym-srl/vca_project_summary