A Decentralized Key Management Infrastructure (DKMI) is essential to any SSI implementation. DKMI is the cryptographic infrastructure upon which the necessary authentication keys are exchanged between SSI actors. In 2020, a new type of ultra-secure, ledger agnostic DKMI made its way through the SSI community: Key Event Receipt Infrastructure (KERI). Currently being developed by DIF (the Decentralized Identity
Foundation) KERI is making its first appearance in real world applications as the first truly & fully decentralized identity system.

With KERI Ecosystem components developers of SSI solutions will be able to:

  • move between networks and ledgers with your identifiers (can work with blockchain and non-blockchained networks)
  • delegate identifier to another identity (no matter on which network or system it was created)
  • provide key provenance log for production ready Verifiable Credential management
  • recovery from key lost through pre-rotation event
  • use your identifiers at scale
  • resolve any identifier through Distributed Hash Table algorithms without relying on centralize resolver or network.
  • operate with any type of Verifiable Credentials across network

Country: Switzerland
Further information: https://humancolossus.foundation/
Team: The Human Colossus Foundation

GitLab: https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure_3/humancolossus/DKMI4SSI_project_summary