iGrant.io is an SSI enabled consented data exchange platform with auditable data agreements, helping organisations unlock the value of personal data. In the Automated Data Agreement (ADA) project, we accelerate SSI adoption by connecting Data Agreements to a legally endorsed Data Protection Impact Analysis (DPIA), automating the flow from DPIA to SSI workflow. This ensures that any company adopting SSI for data exchange has a highly auditable solution where any data agreement receipt can be substantiated by a code of conduct to the originating DPIA performed.
The project aims to standardize data agreement schemas and receipts (Consent being one type of data agreement) and a component that standardizes the process and decision tree to populate the verifiable credential and remove the pain point from organisations related to data regulatory compliance. In addition, it addresses the challenges with delegated consents.
The key value propositions offered by the iGrant.io platform are:
- Automated compliance, by reducing the risk of non-compliance to data regulation when it comes to personal data usage, for example by linking Data Agreements to a legally endorsed DPIA process.
- Improved access to high quality personal data by providing transparency and empowering users to control data usage.
- SSI enabled personal data exchange where companies can leverage personal data assets legally for advanced personalisation.
- End-user SDKs (e.g. Data Wallets, User preference center) that can be embedded into existing mobile applications and portals.
As a certified MyData Operator, iGrant.io also drives interoperability via the MyData community as well as Trust-Over-iP.
Country: Sweden
Further information: https://igrant.io/
Team: iGrant.io
GitLab: https://gitlab.grnet.gr/essif-lab/infrastructure_2/igrantio