To allow resource owners to specify in controlled natural language their policies for granting access to users who possess verifiable credentials Country: United Kingdom Further information: Team: Verifiable Credentials Ltd...
Bringing the fundamental right to an autonomous identity to every person by enabling trusted parties to act as a ‘trusted digital assistant’ in catering Country: Denmark Further information: Team: Aps...
Brings SSI benefits to the wider economy by enabling a privacy preserving full data life cycle including consent Country: Switzerland Further information: Team: The Human Colossus Foundation...
A Discourse plugin that allows SIOP OIDC login and community-friendly transparent recognition, award and governance of verifiable credentials as user-friendly ‘badges’ Country: Ireland Further information: Team: Resonate Beyond...
Onboarding businesses and organizations in a self-sovereign world through user-friendly and low-cost control over trusted digital identities, verified credentials and digital signatures Country: United Kingdom Further information: