Universal DID SaaS by Danube Tech Building a hosted service that allows developers to easily work with Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), without having to set up their own infrastructure Country: Austria Further information: https://danubetech.com/ Team: Danube Tech...
Easy KYC with Self-Sovereign Identity KYC protocol where any company can onboard customers with high confidence about their true identity and customers will instantly sign-up effortlessly. Country: Italy Further information: https://commerc.io/...
Filancore Identity Gateway allows for cheaper, faster and more secure next generation identities. Our service helps you to build and manage decentralized identities for the internet of things. With Filancore Identity Gateway organizations are able to register, issue,...
The MyData Commons project seeks to empower people with their personal data through the Covid 19 crisis and beyond. We seek to complement the data available from traditional top down sources with that which can be volunteered by individuals when they have the right...